
In this article, we will learn more about the ‘Branding’ section. The following module is made to design and adapt the Rewards widget and here you can set the color, font, text, banner, and button position. It contains 3 sections which are Colors, Widget Screen, and Widget Button.


HEADER - here you can adjust the background and text color of the widget header.

TEXT - from here you can set the color for the text in the body.

BUTTON - in this section you can adjust the button and its text color.

OTHER - in the following section you can adjust the color of links and icons

Widget screen

HEADER - here you can edit the name of your Loyalty Program.

HEADER IMAGE - adjust the banner that will be displayed in the header of your widget.

FONTS - change the font or select one from the Google font family.

Widget Button

VISIBILITY - here you can select where the Rewards widget will be displayed. There are three options you can select from:

  • All devices
  • Desktop only
  • Hide on all devices

PLACEMENT - in this section you can select the widget’s location:

  • Right
  • Left
  • Side Right
  • Side Left

PADDING - Here you can adjust the position of the widget button from the edge of the screen.

WIDGET BUTTON TYPE - With the help of the following option you can customize your widget button.

TEXT - A section that displays when selecting options of Text with Icon or Only Text in the ‘Widget button type’.

ICON - Appears when choosing options of Text with Icon or Only Icon in the ‘Widget button type’.

That’s it!

Hope it was helpful.

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